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How to make Guacamole! This is the perfect
recipe whether you're taking something to a party, hosting your own, or
just kickin' back. |
Need a simple recipe on how to make Barbecue Ribs? This is your ViewDo! |
Learn how to seed a chili pepper the no fear no tears way! |
Never heard of an Orple? You have now.
Inventor Lynn shares her secret of how to make an Orple with the rest
of the world. It's half orange, half apple, and all delicious! |
Se apropie Valentine’s Day si vrei sa-ti surprinzi iubitul (sau de ce nu, iubita), cu o masa speciala. Si cum aceasta ocazie este una foarte potrivita pentru a avea o noapte fierbinte dupa cina de Sfantul Valentin, poti include in meniu si mancaruri facute din alimente cu proprietati afrodiziace. Iata si cateva sugestii in acest sens. |
Leusteanul este o planta aromatica folosita mult in bucatarie, in special in bucatele pregatite in sud-estul Europei. Se inrudeste cu telina, atat la modul in care arata, cat si la gust si aroma. De la aceasta planta se pot folosi toate componentele: frunzele, radacinile, semintele si fructele, care odata adaugate in mancare ii vor da acesteia un gust deosebit. |
Mix up the tastiest margarita you've ever had
with the secret recipe that you've been waiting for. Once you've tried
Jack's recipe you won't want a margarita any other way! |
Perfect for a hot summer day. Here's a great recipe on how to make the perfect Mojito!
Learn how to make popcorn the old-fashioned
way. This is a great start to making your own customized batch.
Afterwards, add what you like - almonds, caramel sauce, butter, you
name it.
La origini, musacaua este o mancare greceasca, in care se adauga carne de oaie, in amestec cu vinete. Insa in timp reteta a capatat si alte elemente: carnea de oaie a fost inlocuita cu carne de vita si uneori de amestec de carne de vita si porc, care a intrat in combinatie cu cartofi, ca o alternativa a vinetelor. |