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Learn about Parkour, what it is, where it came from, and how to do some moves!
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Vizualizări: 458 |
Publicat de: Admin |
Data: 07/02/2010
Learn a few of the key vaults in Parkour. Kong Vault, Speed Vault, Reverse Valult, Lazy Vault, and the Palm Spin.
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Vizualizări: 458 |
Publicat de: Admin |
Data: 07/02/2010
Learn how to Parkour! The rail balance is a crucial move to know
in order to string together multiple moves and improve your overall
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Vizualizări: 436 |
Publicat de: Admin |
Data: 07/02/2010
How to Parkour: Learn some of the leaping and precision techniques.
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Vizualizări: 481 |
Publicat de: Admin |
Data: 07/02/2010
This is how to get started and do an ollie.
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Vizualizări: 719 |
Publicat de: Admin |
Data: 04/02/2010
Lecţia este prezentată pe paşi în aşafel ca să fie pe înţelesul fiecăruia. Totul se începe de plasarea piciorului pentru prima dată pe skate.
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Vizualizări: 888 |
Publicat de: Admin |
Data: 04/02/2010
Первый прыжок по классической схеме осуществляется на круглом парашюте
из самолета Ан-2 с высоты 700-800 метров. Круглые парашюты достаточно
безопасны и просты в управлении. Схема подготовки и сам прыжок дает
большие ощущения и достаточное представление о принципе действия
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Vizualizări: 486 |
Publicat de: ilonadm |
Data: 17/01/2010
Instructions to help you get set for kite surfing
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Vizualizări: 467 |
Publicat de: ilonadm |
Data: 16/01/2010
The wheelie is the first trick that most people learn on a bike. It is
a classic, and forms the basis of many more advanced moves, and is
there for a trick that should be mastered by any BMX rider. Jason Forde
of Team Extreme shows how to pull off the wheelie.
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Vizualizări: 445 |
Publicat de: ilonadm |
Data: 16/01/2010
Carry out the Wall Run with VideoJug's help. This difficult Parkour
move is made easy in this film, so learn how to do it properly and
safely today.
Extrem |
Vizualizări: 471 |
Publicat de: ilonadm |
Data: 16/01/2010