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    Principală | Profilul meu » Lecţii » Uncategorized » Necategorizate

    Lupta în potriva terorismului [english/video]

    What is the 'war on terror'?

    First, terror is a strategy and
    it's difficult at best academically speaking to have a war against a
    strategy. Second, to suggest "the war” suggests there's a strategy for
    success. So, if the war on terror means that we're going to mitigate
    terrorism from ever happening again we will never win that war.
    Unfortunately this is much like the War on Drugs. The war on drugs has
    been around for as long as I've been alive and Narcotics trafficking is
    alive, and well, and prospering. So I would like to say that we have an
    effort here to contain terrorism. To reduce the risk of terrorism. And
    I think that's what you'll find Homeland Security, National Security
    agencies are engaged in, which is reducing that risk making that
    environment hostile for them to operate in, in order for them to be

    How high should the 'war on terror' be on our list of national priorities?

    'war on terror' should be high on our list of priorities because of
    --speaking globally --the threat that exists. Due to connectivity that
    we have with countries such as Israel and France, countries that are
    seen by Al Qaeda as being infidels or anti-Islamic, by the true nature
    of our alliance with them we are subject to being attacked as well. I
    do think, however, it deserves to perhaps have some parity with global
    warming, with education, with the economy. But, national security is
    always going to supersede everything else. I do not think you could
    have all those other entities flourish in a state where the security is
    not felt to be confident, comfortable, and intact. So it is always
    going to be a priority. What is interesting, though, is that the
    Department of Homeland Security has already announced that next year
    they are going to be reducing their grant funding by about 50%. So that
    would suggest to someone like me that they have a reasonable
    expectation that the risk has been reduced, and they can reduce
    accordingly. I would hope that funding would then go to some of those
    other efforts that are national priorities.

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    Categoria: Necategorizate | Publicat de: Admin (12/01/2010)
    Vizualizări: 395 | Rating: 0.0/0
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