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Psihologii americani spun cã au descoperit câteva sfaturi de aur. Iatã cele 7 secrete ale oamenilor norocosi! "Când ne sãrbãtorim ziua de nastere, toatã lumea ne ureazã sã fim sãnãtosi. Fãrã un pic de noroc, însã, sãnãtatea nu-i suficientã. Americanii sunt de pãrere cã, printr-un anumit tip de comportament, putem atrage norocul de partea noastrã. Iatã ce ne propun psihologii, conform site-ului, citat de Hotnews". |
Trăim într-o lume minunată!Însa puţini din noi sint conştienţi de acest fapt.Mulţi,pur şi simplu au uitat,iar majoritatea nu văd frumosul,nu văd minunatul ce trăieşte chiar printre noi! |
Sunt trei termeni adesea confundati intre ei. Intelesul fiecaruia insa este diferit. Sunt trei aspecte diferite, si nu tine doar de nuanta. Delimitarea dintre ele se face de la persoana la persoana, dar exista, ca in cazul oricarui aspect psihic, cateva repere. Care sunt acestea? |
10 minutes by Ahmed Imamovic. 1994. Sarajevo, Bosnia and Rome,
Italy. How many different things can happen for only 10 Minutes. The
film won the award for the best European short film in 2002. |
short movie called still life, great atmosphere and an amazing
ending |
Offside is the second short film in the trilogy by Erez Tadmor
& Guy Nattiv regarding the Middle East conflict. This short is a
fallow-up to their last short film Strangers, Offside was shot in
Israel, during September 2005, at the security zone that separates
between Israel and the Palestine Authority. |
At Google, we love mobile phones and use them for everything.
Here's our day in the life with phones... but we bet you can do
something more interesting. |
short film by: Erez Tadmor & Guy Nattiv |
A man quits his job, leaves his girlfriend and drives to Vegas to
put all of his money on red.
Душераздирающий триллер о попытках искупления вины и о шутках,
которые не доводят до добра |