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    Windows Tricks | Vizualizări: 398 | Publicat de: Admin | Data: 29/01/2010

    Oricine dupa ce achizitioneaza un calculator si se joaca singur o saptamina, se plictiseste de un partener care nu glumeste si isi doreste ca partener de joc bunul lui prieten din bloc.
    Windows Tricks | Vizualizări: 418 | Publicat de: Admin | Data: 29/01/2010

    A hard-y welcome to Hardcore Windows XP: The Step-by-Step Guide to Ultimate Performance
    for all hardcore Windows XP users! If you’re a hardcore user, this is the book you’ve been
    waiting for. Here you’ll learn how to enhance the performance of your computer by taking
    control of everything from screen savers to background applications to group policies. You’ll
    learn many of the tricks the pros know, too, including how to speed up the boot process, how to turn off unnecessary applications and services, and how to use built-in administrative tools like Event Viewer, just to name a few.
    Windows Tricks | Vizualizări: 441 | Publicat de: Admin | Data: 29/01/2010

    Windows XP is a great operating system. It is faster and more secure than any other
    version of Windows. However, for some, it is not fast and secure enough. By picking
    up this book, you have started a three-part journey that will guide you through all of
    the steps of customizing, optimizing for performance, and securing Windows XP. I am not
    talking about minor little tweaks; this book is going to show you how to conduct major surgery
    on your Windows XP box.
    Windows Tricks | Vizualizări: 469 | Publicat de: Admin | Data: 29/01/2010

    Firewalls are a staple component of a secure network in today's Internet. This book provides network administrators who are more focused on the core network services and end users an opportunity to learn about modern firewall capabilities. This book is not an exhaustive reference on all possible firewalls nor is it a complete text on the firewalls that are mentioned in this book. Instead, this book provides a solid foundation of fundamental knowledge upon which readers can build their knowledge and skills in firewall administration and implementation (and security in general).
    Alte | Vizualizări: 418 | Publicat de: Admin | Data: 29/01/2010

    If you're the kind of person who walks away from the computer thinking, "That was pleasant! Let me bake some cookies for those kids at MIT," neither Firefox nor this book is for you.
    Alte | Vizualizări: 470 | Publicat de: Admin | Data: 29/01/2010

    It’s amazing to think that AutoCAD came into being over two decades ago, at a time when most people thought that personal computers weren’t capable of industrial-strength tasks like CAD. (The acronym stands for Computer-Aided Drafting, Computer-Aided Design, or both, depending on whom you talk to.) It’s almost as amazing that, more than 20 years after its birth, AutoCAD remains the king of the microcomputer CAD hill by a tall margin. Many competing CAD programs have come to challenge AutoCAD; many have fallen, and a few are still around. One hears rumblings that the long-term future of CAD may belong to special-purpose, 3D-based software such as the Autodesk Inventor and Revit programs. Whether those rumblings amplify into a roar remains to be seen, but for the present and the near future anyway, AutoCAD is where the CAD action is.
    AutoCad | Vizualizări: 542 | Publicat de: Admin | Data: 29/01/2010

    Learning to use Adobe Photoshop is similar to learning to play an electric guitar—with a little instruction and a little practice, you can create some very pleasant art. Or, if you're really motivated, you can lock yourself in a closet with it for 12 years and emerge playing some amazing "licks." Most of us fall somewhere in between, and all of us have more to learn.
    Photoshop | Vizualizări: 495 | Publicat de: Admin | Data: 29/01/2010

    HEY BUDDY, WHAT'S YOUR PROBLEM? No, wait, we're not trying to be obnoxious; we really do want to know what your problem iswell, as long as it involves Adobe Photoshop. After all, that is our job: listening to problems and coming up with breakthrough solutions.
    Photoshop | Vizualizări: 470 | Publicat de: Admin | Data: 29/01/2010

    Nu este un tutorial, dar cred că e ceva interesant.
    Flash | Vizualizări: 501 | Publicat de: Admin | Data: 27/01/2010

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